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  3. IIJ DDoS Protection Service

IIJ DDoS Protection Service

About the Service Overview

The IIJ DDoS Protection Service protects network systems from massive DDoS attacks designed to completely take you down.

Service Features

Initial Detection of Attacks on the IIJ Backbone and Overall Network Protection

DDoS protection system are distributed throughout our domestic and international IIJ backbone. We can stop attacks close to the source to protect against even massive DDoS attacks. These systems are part of our backbone, and so there is no equipment to install in your environment. This ensures that both your servers and Internet access line (bandwidth) are protected.

Capability of Having Only Traffic to the IP Address under Attack to Be Processed by the DDoS Defense Infrastructure

Multiple defensive functions are required to provide highly effective protection. However, the side effect is that DDoS defense infrastructure may prevent normal traffic by mistake. For these protections to impose minimal impact on normal traffic, we as an internet service provider have a service which allows only traffic to the IP address under attack to be processed by the DDoS defense infrastructure.

Highly Skilled Security Engineers Coming from the ISP Industry

This service is staffed by our experienced, highly-skilled security engineers 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. These engineers analyze communication to your network during an initial analysis period performed after you first sign up for the service. Afterwards, you are provided with suggestions on optimized settings to better protect your systems.

(Japanese text only)

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