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In this whitepaper, we will report incidents that occurred between October and December 2009, in addition to commenting on Gumblar-related incidents that have been re-occurring since October, vulnerabilities in the SSL and TLS protocols that are widely used for encrypted communications, and techniques for surveying P2P file sharing networks.
In this report, we will offer our analysis of trends in the ratio of spam for the whole of 2009 including weeks 40 to 52, in addition to examining regional sources of spam for the same period. At the same time we will also investigate spam sending trends for the major regional sources of spam, explain the need for countermeasures tailored to regional characteristics, and look at technology related to DKIM sender authentication.
Internet reachability can be assessed using control-plane and data-plane measurements. However, there are biases in the results of these two measurement methods that are caused by factors such as the use of default routing. Here, we examine reasons for the biases between control-plane and data-plane measurement results, and explain a dual probing methodology that enables more accurate measurements of reachability.
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