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2024 IR NewsRSS


Jul 01, 2024Information
Updated Analyst Coverage Page (added Citigroup Global Markets Japan Inc.)
Jul 01, 2024Information
Uploaded Integrated Report 2024 (PDF version) [8.1MB]PDF
Jul 01, 2024Information
QAs from the 32nd Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders are uploaded


Jun 28, 2024Information
Updated Corporate Governance page (Updated Corporate Governance report)
Jun 28, 2024Information
Uploaded FY2023 Annual Securities Report "Yuka-shouken-houkokusho"
Jun 28, 2024Information
Uploaded Voting Results at the 32nd Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
Jun 27, 2024TSE
Notice Regarding the Disposal of Treasury Stock for Restricted Stock Remuneration with Tenure Conditions [238KB]PDF
Jun 27, 2024Information
Uploaded Resolution Notice at the 32nd Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
Jun 26, 2024Information
Updated Integrated Report Portal page
Jun 12, 2024Information
Announcement date of 1Q FY2024 Financial Results
Jun 12, 2024TSE
Notice Regarding the Completion of Payment for Disposal of Treasury Stock for Restricted Stock Remuneration [401KB]PDF
Jun 03, 2024Information
Chairman Suzuki and CFO Watai are to visit London, Edinburgh, Zurich and Frankfurt for IR one-on-one meetings


May 31, 2024Information
Correction to Information included in the Attachment to “the Convocation Notice of the 32nd Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders” [201KB]PDF
May 31, 2024Information
Voluntarily disclosed Convocation Notice of the 32nd Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting before the date of mailing
May 30, 2024Information
Held a fireside chat event with sell-side analyst Mr. Masuno from Nomura Securities
May 24, 2024TSE
Notice Regarding the Introduction of New Stock Remuneration System [462KB]PDF
May 24, 2024TSE
Notice Regarding the Disposal of Treasury Stock for Restricted Stock Remuneration [420KB]PDF
May 24, 2024TSE
Notice regarding the Distribution of Retained Earnings [145KB]PDF
May 22, 2024Information
Will participate in 2 overseas IR conferences (Jeffries in NY, Nomura in Singapore)
May 15, 2024Information
QAs from 4Q23 Financial Results Briefing are uploaded
May 15, 2024Information
Published an interview with Outside Director Mr. Iwama on the Integrated Report Portal
May 10, 2024TSE
IIJ Announces FY2023 Financial Results
May 10, 2024TSE
IIJ Announces "IIJ Group Mid-term Plan (FY2024-FY2026)" and Mid-to-Long Term Vision [1.13MB]PDF


Mar 11, 2024Information
Announcement date of FY2023 Financial Results


Feb 20, 2024Information
IIJ will participate in 3 major IR conferences in Japan (hosted by SMBC Nikko, Daiwa and Mizuho)
Feb 14, 2024Information
Uploaded 3Q23 Quarterly Securities Report "Shihanki-houkokusho"
Feb 09, 2024Information
QAs from 3Q23 Financial Results Briefing are uploaded
Feb 07, 2024TSE
IIJ Announces 3Q FY2023 Financial Results

End of the page.

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